
The cure for black-heads : 101

The cure for black-heads and any sort of blemish to your' looks is : living a good and clean life , free of sin and any of the bad things . Thou shalt Love thy God and hold no other gods above Him / Her . Thou shalt not make false idols . Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain . Thou shalt keep the sabbath and keep it holy . Thou shalt honour thy mother and father . Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour . Thou shalt not steal . Thou shalt not kill . Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour nor thy neighbours' house , wife , donkey , cart or chattels . Thou shalt not enslave nor undermine . Thou shalt not put possessions above a life .

IT is not what you eat . #2 , part two .

Some people feel they must kill and eat things . This is not true . Food is given , some times by another person or some times by a higher power , such as the Great Spirit , God , Jehovah , GSus , Jesus , the Saviour , The Great , Al , El , or ...

Diabetes is caused by a blood infection .

It is caused when a prion enters and there is a pre-existing bad blood .

Smoking treats threadworm .

I use flouridated tooth-paste , some times .

Invitation to my Twitter site .

 I have made many good posts to . On that platform I may be found at @Christ1233X .

The dangerous substances are not the drugs ...

but the stuff prescribed by your' " doctor " . And in the pharmacy .