
Diabetes is caused by a blood infection .

It is caused when a prion enters and there is a pre-existing bad blood .

Smoking treats threadworm .

I use flouridated tooth-paste , some times .

Invitation to my Twitter site .

 I have made many good posts to . On that platform I may be found at @Christ1233X .

The dangerous substances are not the drugs ...

but the stuff prescribed by your' " doctor " . And in the pharmacy .

We are poorly served by some of our farmers .

We are a world mal-nourished . Plant breeding , animal farming and exploitation have ruined horticulture . The environment is poorly tended , water-ways are polluted and dry-land salinity / desertification is rampant . Salinity is also caused by mining and oil mining . Some things should not be done , even though you think you can get away with it . Seedless food is not food . Unripe fruit and vege is not food . Flesh is not food . Animal milk is for baby animals . There shall be a reckonning .